I am a business mentor, trainer and speaker who helps you take your business fromChaos to Cashflow

I am your business mentor, trainer and speaker who helps you take your business from Chaos to Cashflow

Build a sustainable, profitable business that deliversfinancial freedomand lifestyle

I work with ambitious business founders, consultants, and business leaders to:


Take control of their business and avoid being overwhelmed and frustrated.


Stop being reactive and start being proactive.


Get off the daily treadmill and stop repeating the same tasks over and over again.


Get out of the shadows and stop being the world's best-kept secret.


Find that work-life balance that has always eluded them.



Heather Hutchings

I’m an experienced business mentor, Trainer, and Speaker, working with Business Founders and Consultants. As a successful business owner, having owned businesses in the retail, hospitality, and service industries, I know the excitement and celebration of owning your own business as well as the roadblocks, headaches and sleepless nights that can derail us along the way.

My mission is to transform businesses: to unleash their power and potential and shift the mindsets of business founders, consultants, and business leaders so they can focus on solutions that open the doors to opportunities and success. So often I see business founders, consultants, and business leaders giving too much and getting too little from their business, and lacking confidence that anything will ever change. But it can, and I really get a kick out of helping people finding that change and implementing it for themselves.

If you want a straight up legend in your corner, Heather Hutchings is the woman for you.

There are a multitude of business coaches out there, but Heather has walked the talk and her knowledge and experience is absolutely transformational.

With a raft of tools at her disposal, she will help you to see a clear path ahead and assist you to make the best moves today that will lead to a better tomorrow.

Believe the hype, Heather is the real deal.

David Orchard.  Orchard Kitchen Design and Joinery. Kapiti Coast

Running a business can be Chaotic

Business Founders, consultants, and business leaders get wrapped up into the day-to-day operations required to keep things running smoothly and profitably.   I work with you to wean yourself from the day to day grind and really focus on how to make your business grow, gain new clients, and find exciting and innovative ways to stand out from other businesses in your sector.



Working with me will provide you with a clear roadmap to delivering consistent results in all areas of your business, having fun and enjoying the return on your investment of time and money.   

I will be the Champion on your team, your accountability partner, your sounding board and your Business Growth Mentor.

Complimentary Consultation

Uncover Your Business Growth Game Plan with a complimentary 45 minute Zoom session with Heather.

Unleashed Momentum

Our Momentum programme is a 6 month programme that is one on one coaching with Heather.


Our Masterclass programme is an 8 week programme that is completed online via zoom sessions within small groups.

Energy Management

The key is to manage your energy not time to achieve your goals, to be more productive, to have greater satisfaction at work, and get your work life balance sorted.

Why Self-Care Is the Best Strategy for Productivity

Why Self-Care Is the Best Strategy for Productivity

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Don’t Stress The Uncontrollable Because That Is Wasted Energy

Don’t Stress The Uncontrollable Because That Is Wasted Energy

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Understanding Your Peaks and Troughs

Understanding Your Peaks and Troughs

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Businesses I have worked with:

Call Heather